Friday, February 27, 2009

St. Louis Tea Party Draws 1,500 Protestors

I was there. So were many others. One of my proudest moments as an American and the first time I've ever protested anything. Despite the cold, it was a good and spirited turnout. If I have one critcism it would be that conservatives need to become better protestors. Actually, we just needed a bigger megaphone. It was hard to hear what the speakers were saying.

We ranted, we chanted, and then we walked down to the Mississippi and poured tea in the river, while all singing "God Bless America". It was a shining moment and hopefully, the start of a much larger movement.

One big note. No litter was left behind. NONE! And to add to that, not a single blade of grass was harmed.

UPDATE: I meant to point this out in the original post. About halfway through the protest a group of about 30 black students showed up at the top of steps to the arch. Looking down at the protest. I would guess they were 5th or 6 graders. They were accompanied by about 6 adults. My first thought was that they were on a field trip to the arch, but I don't recall seeing them at the arch when I arrived about half an hour before. My guess was that these kids were pawns in some sort of anti-protest organized by the adults who were with them. As if to say, "look at the poor black children you evil conservatives, do you really want to starve them?". To which my response would be, since my kids were with me, "what makes you think my kids want to work their whole lives to support your lack of ambition?".

There was no incident. The kids walked around the protest and boarded a bus that was parked on the street by the protest. No one spoke a word to them.


Anonymous said...

CT doing some in the field service.

I pissed away $900 at Costco today, Does that make me a hero?